Art and Design
INTENT statement
The Art and Design curriculum aims to engage, inspire and challenge all pupils in a wide range of artistic experiences. Throughout both key stages the children work in both 2D and 3D, experimenting with colour, shape, pattern and texture. They learn from a diverse range of work by various artists, building a critical understanding and becoming aware of the role of art and design in history and culture.
We offer a wide range of interactive and fun learning experiences, where children can reflect on their learning, think creatively and transfer skills they have learnt into everyday situations.
Our children use sketchbooks to record their observations and responses. There are many opportunities to experiment with materials, tools and techniques, modifying and improving their initial ideas. We believe that the process is as important as the end result and celebrate every child’s efforts.
Art Hub Day May 2022
On Friday 20th May, a selection of children from Years 3 and 4 were invited to an amazing and creative day, together with other schools from the Uckfield surroundings, organised by the Uckfield Art Hub. This day was to celebrate the arts! It was a day of different art activities including a wet felt workshop with a guest felt artist!
Pupil Voice:
"I enjoyed the wet felting because you got to make whatever you want. I liked the clay as you made a bowl and decorated it. "
"I learnt how to do art in lots of diferent ways. I liked doing the felting, so that was my favourite."
"I learnt to make felt art. We made our own art booklets. I liked it so much!"
Art Hub Day 2023

Pupil Voice:
S: I enjoyed it because there were three groups. In the first group, we drew a picture based on the lost word. Then placed foam under the picture and traced it. Lastly, we used coloured paint with a roller.
N: We did printing. We drew a picture and after that we used bubble paper and put the drawing on and pressed hard...
N: For inpsiration we used Lost Words. My favourite part was printing on foam sheets and using rollers. It as fun when we sewed fabric onto card.
S: It was fun and I liked mixed media. N got to play with L and we saw B (friends from other schools).