Religious Education

Religious Education INTENT statement
At LHS our Religious Education curriculum is based on the East Sussex RE Agreed Syllabus “Continuing the Journey”, 2017 and the Church of England’s RE Statement of Entitlement. Our aim is to ensure that all pupils develop the knowledge, concepts, skills and vocabulary that will equip them to grow up and live in a contemporary British society, showing respect and kindness for the differing religious views and beliefs of others. We want our pupils to experience a living Christian faith and to develop a spiritual awareness that allows them to respond to the wonder and beauty of the natural world and develop a caring attitude towards others both in our local and wider community. As such, our Christian vision and values are at the heart of all our learning. We use high quality resources like ‘Understanding Christianity’ and ‘Discovery RE’ to engage and excite our pupils about RE. Our enquiry based approach to teaching enables our pupils to develop a confident knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other world religions as well as developing the critical thinking skills required to hold balanced arguments, challenge ideas and ask and answer the ‘big’ questions in Religious Education.
Religious Education curriculum
The RE schemes of work at Little Horsted are based on Understanding Christianity and Discovery RE materials and include aspects of other cultures and faiths. We follow a 2 year cycle at our school, due to our mixed aged classes.
See 2 year cycle document below.
Church of England Statement of Entitlement