You can use this page to find out about upcoming events, meetings and the 59 draw.
Please get in touch if you would like to know more - contact names and the ptfa e-mail address can be found in the contacts section.
PTFA Newsletters
Upcoming Events
Dates for your diary....
Watch this events coming soon.
59 Club

What is it?
The 59 draw is a monthly lottery game.
How does it work?
There are 59 numbers which can be "owned" by a parent or friend of the school. To "own" a number means you pay £5 per month by standing order and on the first Saturday of every month if your number is drawn first in the main Lotto draw you win £25. If it's drawn second you win £50 and if it's drawn third you win £75.
Why do we run it?
It's a great way of raising money for the school - if it's fully subscribed it can generate £1040 a year.
How can I join?
There are currently no vacant numbers but we will update on here should any number become available.
If you'd like to grab yourself a number entry forms can be found in the resource section of this page. You can complete and return via the school office.
Chair - Laura S
Treasurer and 59 Draw - Rose C
You can contact us at: (but for the quickest response please use our Facebook page - Little Horsted Parents)
Forthcoming Meetings
The next PTFA meeting : TBC
Please come and join us!