We have identified the key areas below and how we can achieve these together and how they are evaluated.
The school in conjunction with Governors has an annual school development plan thatprovides a focus for development each year. Our role in monitoring the School Improvement Plan (SIP) is to improve the outcomes for all pupils.
1. High achievement:
Where all pupils make progress to their highest possible levels of achievement over a sustained period of time. We expect pupils to make good or better progress from their unique starting points.
Scrutiny of internal tracking data and external results at Keystage 1 (KS1) and Keystage 2 (KS2) with a particular focus on children’s progress. Data is robust and understood by staff and those monitoring.
2. Quality of Teaching & Staff Wellbeing
The quality of teaching is high. Staff develop reflective practice, to improve pupil outcomes.
Staff wellbeing is aligned with high expectations. Staff morale is high.
School community recognises and prioritises staff wellbeing.
Monitoring the staff assessment process and personal development is offered and taken up to improve subject knowledge.
Discussions with children and parents will evidence knowledge of the children.
Staff wellbeing is monitored through informal discussion. School visits can be done virtually at present
3. Curriculum
A creative curriculum, meeting the needs of all pupils individually and promoting their development.
Learning walks in school and classroom visits to observe the curriculum. AAS committee review areas identified in SIP to monitor the impact of interventions.
Monitoring sports premium spending to increase children’s physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
Extracurricular activities offered and the pupils that they reach. These will recommence in due course
4. Pupil wellbeing, personal development and behaviour
All members of our school community feel safe at school.
We seek to provide an environment where children are not only safe but are happy and feel safe within an atmosphere that promotes celebrating the individual. Pupils are prepared for their next stages in life.
Our school prioritises pupil wellbeing and provides support to those impacted
Safeguarding policy is robust, relevant for our school and up to date. Staff are
trained and updated at regular intervals. Central Single Record (CSR) is effective and safeguarding is
foremost in any planning. Governors undertake safeguarding training and are DBS checked.
Monitoring the school use of funds to provide safe and varied spaces for pupils to learn, grow and develop.
5. Christian Distinctiveness
With an openness respect and tolerance for other faiths our school embraces our Christian beliefs. Our school environment and our values are unmistakably Christian and are supported by all members of staff.
Our foundation governors work closely with the senior leadership team (SLT) monitor and ensure our ethos and values are upheld.
Children can link the learning behaviours to Christian beliefs.
Children are exposed to different cultures through our varied curriculum
6. Stakeholder engagement
All stakeholders including parents, education partners and communities have the opportunity to be heard, share perspectives and participate in decisions.
We understand the importance of communication to enable everyone to support pupil’s education in and outside of school.
Parents are clear about revised school protocols, risk assessment and staff and pupil safety. Any concerns are addressed
Parent and staff surveys as well as attendance at parent meetings provide evidence of engagement.
7. Effective Running of school & use of public funds
The school maintains a balanced budget and can forecast with rational assumptions its continued sustainability.
Staff account for the majority of expenditure with the remainder spent on consumables, utilities and premises.
Additional Government funding will be targeted to close the gaps caused by school closures.
Budget report from our School Business Manager at SP meetings
Monitoring staff costs
Monitoring funding e.g. Pupil Premium (PP), special educational needs (SEN) to ensure targeted appropriately.
Monitor evaluation of the impact of specific spending
Discuss and evaluate the forecast assumptions and sustainability over a 3 year period
Review H&S reports and expenditure needs and plans
Ensure targeted expenditure related to the SIP
The Governing Body committees meet throughout the year as follows:
Full Governors - September, November, March and June/July.
Achievement, Attainment & Safeguarding -October, February and May
Strategic Planning including Health and Safety -October, March and May/June
Admissions - March