Calendar of Events
Tuesday 17th January Year 5/6 Netball Freedom Leisure
Wednesday 25th Janaury Year 5/6 Swimming Gala Freedom Leisure
Tuesday 31st January Year 3/4 Netball Freedom Leisure
Tuesday 7th February Year 3 Personal Best Festival
Tuesday 28th February Year 3/4 Rugby coaching
Monday 6th March Sussex Cricket Enrichment Day
Tuesday 7th March Year 5/6 Rugby coaching
Wednesday 8th March #LetGirlsPlay Football tournament
Tuesday 14th March Year 3/4 rugby competition
Tuesday 21st March Year 5/6 rugby competition
Year 5/6 Netball
Coming soon...
Year 5/6 Swimming Gala
Coming soon...
Year 3/4 Netball
Congratulations to our Year 3 and 4 netball players who played fantastic games against some very competitive local schools. I was particularly impressed with our positive teamwork and accurate passing of the ball. To top it off we came third overall.
Pupil voice:
M: "I enjoyed learning the rules of netball."
E: "I'd definitely go again! I had fun playing against the other schools. I was really tired afterwards."

Tuesday 7th February Year 3 Personal Best Festival
Pupil Voice
C: 'We did lots of different activities like putting a ball on a cone, long was hard but so fun!'
J: 'I was good at standing on one leg. I got 12 seconds.'
T: 'You were timed and it was 30 seconds. It was tricky but we perservered.'
Sussex Cricket Enrichment Day
On Monday 6th March, Little Horsted welcomed coach Charlie from Sussex Cricket. All our children participated in fun-filled sessions, learning a range of skills and games.
Pupil Voice
C: ‘Charlie was fun. My legs really hurt but I still loved it a lot!’
S: ‘I liked all the games we played. We also got balls and hit stumps.’
E: ‘I really liked it because Charlie was very enthusiastic and funny. I loved the warmup. I would do it again!’
P: ‘I really enjoyed cricket with Charlie. I loved all the activities. Charlie was nice.’
T: ‘I enjoyed trying to knock over the stumps.’
Year 5/6 Rugby